
Create and Share your Own Selection of Properties

SmartLinks by CASAFARI revolutionize how real estate agents share property information. SmartLinks let agents create and share customized and interactive reports, branded with their picture and logo. Easily share one or multiple properties, in seconds.

  • Create professional reports, with your agency's logo and photos on top.
  • Share instantly via any channel
  • Customize your content to include or exclude specific elements, such as price changes or time on the market.
  • View who opens your links and optimize your strategy.
CASAFARI's SmartLinks,
CASAFARI's SmartLinks are branded, showing the company's colours, logo and contact information

Your Report, Your Brand.

In fact, SmartLink is like creating your own minisite, in a few seconds. Your picture and logo are included automatically.

Share Instantly, Anywhere.

Share in one click via any channel: Whatsapp, facebook, – or anywhere else via a unique link for each report.   

CASAFARI's SmartLinks are shareable via WhatsApp, Facebook messenger or can be sent through other apps by copying its link
CASAFARI's SmartLinks provides toggles for you to select which information to include on the report

Decide What to Include.​

SmartLinks allow you to decide exactly what information to share. You have complete control. 

Know your Client Interest.

Every time your reports are opened, you will be able to see it from your dashboard “My SmartLinks”.  

With Lead Flow, a professional an measure the results of their SmartLinks and understand what most interests their clients

Ready to transform how you share properties?

Don't wait for opportunities to come to you - start sharing now, and attract new leads.